set rs=conn.execute("select ID,ClassName from Sbe_Product_Class where Depth=0 and lock=0 order by Sequence asc")
if not rs.eof then
do while not rs.eof
<td width="8%" align="left" valign="top" class="biankuang1" style="padding-top:8px"><img src="images/product_).jpg" width="7" height="9"></td>
<td width="92%" class="biankuang1" valign="top"><div style="width:118px; cursor:pointer" onclick="chgstylep('ClassName<%=rs(0)%>')"><strong><%=rs(1)%></strong></div>
<div id="ClassName<%=rs(0)%>" style="display:<%if ctid = rs(0) then response.Write("block") else response.Write("none") end if%>">
set rs2=conn.execute("select ID,ClassName from Sbe_Product_Class where ParID="& rs(0) &" and lock=0 order by Sequence asc")
if not rs2.eof then
do while not rs2.eof
<div><a href="products.asp?pre_tid=<%=rs(0)%>&tid=<%=rs2(0)%>"><%=rs2(1)%></a></div>
end if
rs2.close:set rs2=nothing
%> </div> </td>
end if
rs.close:set rs=nothing