
标题: 求助!三亚摄影网站后台上传图片出错! [打印本页]

作者: icefoxit    时间: 2008-11-18 17:29
标题: 求助!三亚摄影网站后台上传图片出错!
Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 \'800a000d\'
类型不匹配: \'PureUploadSetup\'
\\admin_xiangce_uppic.asp, line 55


<[email=%@LANGUAGE=]%@LANGUAGE=\"VBSCRIPT[/email]\" CODEPAGE=\"936\"%>
\' *** Logout the current user.
MM_Logout = CStr(Request.ServerVariables(\"URL\")) & \"?MM_Logoutnow=1\"
If (CStr(Request(\"MM_Logoutnow\")) = \"1\") Then
  MM_logoutRedirectPage = \"index.html\"
  \' redirect with URL parameters (remove the \"MM_Logoutnow\" query param).
  if (MM_logoutRedirectPage = \"\") Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = CStr(Request.ServerVariables(\"URL\"))
  If (InStr(1, UC_redirectPage, \"?\", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> \"\") Then
    MM_newQS = \"?\"
    For Each Item In Request.QueryString
      If (Item <> \"MM_Logoutnow\") Then
        If (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_newQS = MM_newQS & \"&\"
        MM_newQS = MM_newQS & Item & \"=\" & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(Item))
      End If
    if (Len(MM_newQS) > 1) Then MM_logoutRedirectPage = MM_logoutRedirectPage & MM_newQS
  End If
End If
\' *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page
If Session(\"MM_Username\") <> \"\" Then
  If (false Or CStr(Session(\"MM_UserAuthorization\"))=\"\") Or _
         (InStr(1,MM_authorizedUsers,Session(\"MM_UserAuthorization\"))>=1) Then
    MM_grantAccess = true
  End If
End If
If Not MM_grantAccess Then
  MM_qsChar = \"?\"
  If (InStr(1,MM_authFailedURL,\"?\") >= 1) Then MM_qsChar = \"&\"
  MM_referrer = Request.ServerVariables(\"URL\")
  if (Len(Request.QueryString()) > 0) Then MM_referrer = MM_referrer & \"?\" & Request.QueryString()
  MM_authFailedURL = MM_authFailedURL & MM_qsChar & \"accessdenied=\" & Server.URLEncode(MM_referrer)
End If
<!--#include file=\"Connections/conn.asp\" -->
<!--#include file=\"ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp\" -->
\'*** Pure ASP File Upload -----------------------------------------------------
\' Copyright (c) 2001-2002 George Petrov, www.UDzone.com
\' Process the upload
\' Version: 2.0.9
\'*** File Upload to: \"\"\"pic\"\"\", Extensions: \"GIF,JPG,JPEG,BMP,PNG\", Form: form1, Redirect: \"\", \"file\", \"100\", \"over\", \"true\", \"10\", \"10\" , \"800\", \"600\", \"width\", \"height\", \"600\", \"blueFlashProgress.htm\", \"300\", \"100\"

Dim GP_redirectPage, RequestBin, UploadQueryString, GP_uploadAction, UploadRequest

If (CStr(Request.QueryString(\"GP_upload\")) <> \"\") Then
  on error resume next
  Dim reqPureUploadVersion, foundPureUploadVersion
  reqPureUploadVersion = 2.09
  foundPureUploadVersion = getPureUploadVersion()
  if err or reqPureUploadVersion > foundPureUploadVersion then
    Response.Write \"<b>You don\'t have latest version of ScriptLibrary/incPureUpload.asp uploaded on the server.</b><br>\"
    Response.Write \"This library is required for the current page. It is fully backwards compatible so old pages will work as well.<br>\"
  end if
  on error goto 0
  GP_redirectPage = \"\"
  Server.ScriptTimeout = 600
  RequestBin = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
  Set UploadRequest = CreateObject(\"Scripting.Dictionary\")  
  BuildUploadRequest RequestBin, \"\"\"pic\"\"\", \"file\", \"100\", \"over\"
  If (GP_redirectPage <> \"\" and not (CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_insert\")) <> \"\" or CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_update\")) <> \"\")) Then
    If (InStr(1, GP_redirectPage, \"?\", vbTextCompare) = 0 And UploadQueryString <> \"\") Then
      GP_redirectPage = GP_redirectPage & \"?\" & UploadQueryString
    End If
  end if  
  if UploadQueryString <> \"\" then
    UploadQueryString = UploadQueryString & \"&GP_upload=true\"
    UploadQueryString = \"GP_upload=true\"
  end if  
end if
\' End Pure Upload
\' *** Edit Operations: (Modified for File Upload) declare variables

Dim MM_editAction
Dim MM_abortEdit
Dim MM_editQuery
Dim MM_editCmd

Dim MM_editConnection
Dim MM_editTable
Dim MM_editRedirectUrl
Dim MM_editColumn
Dim MM_recordId

Dim MM_fieldsStr
Dim MM_columnsStr
Dim MM_fields
Dim MM_columns
Dim MM_typeArray
Dim MM_formVal
Dim MM_delim
Dim MM_altVal
Dim MM_emptyVal
Dim MM_i

MM_editAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables(\"SCRIPT_NAME\"))
If (UploadQueryString <> \"\") Then
  MM_editAction = MM_editAction & \"?\" & Server.HTMLEncode(UploadQueryString)
End If

\' boolean to abort record edit
MM_abortEdit = false

\' query string to execute
MM_editQuery = \"\"
\' *** Update Record: (Modified for File Upload) set variables

If (CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_update\")) = \"form1\" And CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_recordId\")) <> \"\") Then
  MM_editConnection = MM_conn_STRING
  MM_editTable = \"zpzs\"
  MM_editColumn = \"ID\"
  MM_recordId = \"\" + UploadFormRequest(\"MM_recordId\") + \"\"
  MM_editRedirectUrl = \"admin_zuopin_editok.asp\"
  MM_fieldsStr  = \"pic|value|width|value|height|value\"
  MM_columnsStr = \"pic|\',none,\'\'|width|\',none,\'\'|height|\',none,\'\'\"

  \' create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays
  MM_columnsStr = FixColumnsForUpload(MM_fieldsStr,MM_columnsStr)
  MM_fieldsStr = FixFieldsForUpload(MM_fieldsStr,MM_columnsStr)
  MM_fields = Split(MM_fieldsStr, \"|\")
  MM_columns = Split(MM_columnsStr, \"|\")
  \' set the form values
  For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2
    MM_fields(MM_i+1) = CStr(UploadFormRequest(MM_fields(MM_i)))

  \' append the query string to the redirect URL
  If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> \"\" And UploadQueryString <> \"\") Then
    If (InStr(1, MM_editRedirectUrl, \"?\", vbTextCompare) = 0 And UploadQueryString <> \"\") Then
      MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & \"?\" & UploadQueryString
      MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & \"&\" & UploadQueryString
    End If
  End If

End If
\' *** Update Record: (Modified for File Upload) construct a sql update statement and execute it

If (CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_update\")) <> \"\" And CStr(UploadFormRequest(\"MM_recordId\")) <> \"\") Then
  \' create the sql update statement
  MM_editQuery = \"update \" & MM_editTable & \" set \"
  For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2
    MM_formVal = MM_fields(MM_i+1)
    MM_typeArray = Split(MM_columns(MM_i+1),\",\")
    MM_delim = MM_typeArray(0)
    If (MM_delim = \"none\") Then MM_delim = \"\"
    MM_altVal = MM_typeArray(1)
    If (MM_altVal = \"none\") Then MM_altVal = \"\"
    MM_emptyVal = MM_typeArray(2)
    If (MM_emptyVal = \"none\") Then MM_emptyVal = \"\"
    If (MM_formVal = \"\") Then
      MM_formVal = MM_emptyVal
      If (MM_altVal <> \"\") Then
        MM_formVal = MM_altVal
      ElseIf (MM_delim = \"\'\") Then  \' escape quotes
        MM_formVal = \"\'\" & Replace(MM_formVal,\"\'\",\"\'\'\") & \"\'\"
        MM_formVal = MM_delim + MM_formVal + MM_delim
      End If
    End If
    If (MM_i <> LBound(MM_fields)) Then
      MM_editQuery = MM_editQuery & \",\"
    End If
    MM_editQuery = MM_editQuery & MM_columns(MM_i) & \" = \" & MM_formVal
  MM_editQuery = MM_editQuery & \" where \" & MM_editColumn & \" = \" & MM_recordId

  If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then
    \' execute the update
    Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Command\")
    MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection
    MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery

    If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> \"\") Then
    End If
  End If

End If
Dim Recordset1__MMColParam
Recordset1__MMColParam = \"1\"
If (Request.QueryString(\"ID\") <> \"\") Then
  Recordset1__MMColParam = Request.QueryString(\"ID\")
End If
Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Recordset\")
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_STRING
Recordset1.Source = \"SELECT * FROM zpzs WHERE ID = \" + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, \"\'\", \"\'\'\") + \"\"
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

Recordset1_numRows = 0
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">
<script language=\"JavaScript\">

function checkFileUpload(form,extensions,requireUpload,sizeLimit,minWidth,minHeight,maxWidth,maxHeight,saveWidth,saveHeight) { //v2.09
  document.MM_returnValue = true;
  for (var i = 0; i<form.elements.length; i++) {
    field = form.elements;
    if (field.type.toUpperCase() != \'FILE\') continue;
} }

function checkOneFileUpload(field,extensions,requireUpload,sizeLimit,minWidth,minHeight,maxWidth,maxHeight,saveWidth,saveHeight) { //v2.09
  document.MM_returnValue = true;
  if (extensions != \'\') var re = new RegExp(\"\\.(\" + extensions.replace(/,/gi,\"|\").replace(/\\s/gi,\"\") + \")$\",\"i\");
    if (field.value == \'\') {
      if (requireUpload) {alert(\'必须选择文件!\');document.MM_returnValue = false;field.focus();return;}
    } else {
      if(extensions != \'\' && !re.test(field.value)) {
        alert(\'您选择的文件类型不能上传。\\n支持上传的文件类型包括: \' + extensions + \'.\\n请选择正确的文件类型。\');
        document.MM_returnValue = false;field.focus();return;
    document.PU_uploadForm = field.form;
    re = new RegExp(\".(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg)$\",\"i\");
    if(re.test(field.value) && (sizeLimit != \'\' || minWidth != \'\' || minHeight != \'\' || maxWidth != \'\' || maxHeight != \'\' || saveWidth != \'\' || saveHeight != \'\')) {
    } }

function showImageDimensions(fieldImg) { //v2.09
  var isNS6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false);
  var img = (fieldImg && !isNS6 ? fieldImg : this);
  if (img.width > 0 && img.height > 0) {
  if ((img.minWidth != \'\' && img.minWidth > img.width) || (img.minHeight != \'\' && img.minHeight > img.height)) {
    alert(\'上传的图片尺寸太小!\\n最小应该为: \' + img.minWidth + \' x \' + img.minHeight); return;}
  if ((img.maxWidth != \'\' && img.width > img.maxWidth) || (img.maxHeight != \'\' && img.height > img.maxHeight)) {
    alert(\'上传的图片尺寸太大!\\n最大应该为: \' + img.maxWidth + \' x \' + img.maxHeight); return;}
  if (img.sizeLimit != \'\' && img.fileSize > img.sizeLimit) {
    alert(\'上传的图片文件体积太大!\\n最大应该为: \' + (img.sizeLimit/1024) + \' KB\'); return;}
  if (img.saveWidth != \'\') document.PU_uploadForm[img.saveWidth].value = img.width;
  if (img.saveHeight != \'\') document.PU_uploadForm[img.saveHeight].value = img.height;
  document.MM_returnValue = true;
} }

function checkImageDimensions(field,sizeL,minW,minH,maxW,maxH,saveW,saveH) { //v2.09
  if (!document.layers) {
    var isNS6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById ? true : false);
    document.MM_returnValue = false; var imgURL = \'file:///\' + field.value.replace(/\\\\/gi,\'/\').replace(/:/gi,\'|\').replace(/\"/gi,\'\').replace(/^\\//,\'\');
    if (!field.gp_img || (field.gp_img && field.gp_img.src != imgURL) || isNS6) {field.gp_img = new Image();
     with (field) {gp_img.sizeLimit = sizeL*1024; gp_img.minWidth = minW; gp_img.minHeight = minH; gp_img.maxWidth = maxW; gp_img.maxHeight = maxH;
      gp_img.saveWidth = saveW; gp_img.saveHeight = saveH; gp_img.onload = showImageDimensions; gp_img.src = imgURL; }
  } else showImageDimensions(field.gp_img);}

function showProgressWindow(progressFile,popWidth,popHeight) { //v2.09
  var showProgress = false, form, field;
  for (var f = 0; f<document.forms.length; f++) {
    form = document.forms[f];
    for (var i = 0; i<form.elements.length; i++) {
      field = form.elements;
      if (field.type.toUpperCase() != \'FILE\') continue;
      if (field.value != \'\') {showProgress = true;break;}
  } }
  if (showProgress && document.MM_returnValue) {
    var w = 480, h = 340;
    if (document.all || document.layers || document.getElementById) {
      w = screen.availWidth; h = screen.availHeight;}
    var leftPos = (w-popWidth)/2, topPos = (h-popHeight)/2;
    document.progressWindow = window.open(progressFile,\'ProgressWindow\',\'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=\' + popWidth + \',height=\'+popHeight);
    document.progressWindow.moveTo(leftPos, topPos);document.progressWindow.focus();
  window.onunload = function () {document.progressWindow.close();};
} }
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a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
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<table width=\"778\" height=\"26\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"kuang\">
    <td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F5F4\"><table width=\"744\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
        <td width=\"630\" align=\"left\">欢迎光临后台管理</td>
        <td width=\"114\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"<%= MM_Logout %>\" class=\"style3\">返回首页</a></td>
<table width=\"778\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
    <td><img src=\"images/01.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"2\"></td>
<table width=\"778\" height=\"333\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
    <td width=\"142\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"140\" height=\"367\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"kuang\">
        <td height=\"365\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
              <td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CACACA\">管理项目</td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_gydl.asp\" class=\"style2\">关于朵莉</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"> <a href=\"admin_news.asp\" class=\"style2\">活动新闻</a> </td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_xiangce.asp\" class=\"style2\">相册管理</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_zuopin.asp\" class=\"style2\">作品管理</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_pslc.asp\" class=\"style2\">拍摄流程</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_baojia.asp\" class=\"style2\">服务报价</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_liuyan.asp\" class=\"style2\">留言管理</a></td>
            <table width=\"138\" height=\"27\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">
                <td width=\"39\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><img src=\"image/pot_10.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\"></td>
                <td width=\"93\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F7F7F7\"><a href=\"admin_user.asp\" class=\"style2\">修改密码</a></td>
    <td width=\"636\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"635\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"kuang\">
        <td height=\"361\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"635\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
            <td height=\"24\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#CECBCE\">您现在的位置:管理中心首页 --> 作品管理</td>
            <td height=\"334\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><table width=\"615\" height=\"336\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
                <td height=\"12\"></td>
                <td height=\"324\" valign=\"top\"><form action=\"<%=MM_editAction%>\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"form1\">
                    <table width=\"606\" height=\"123\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
                      <tr align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\">
                        <td height=\"33\" colspan=\"2\">上传相册图:</td>
                      <tr align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\">
                        <td height=\"31\" colspan=\"2\">相册标题:<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item(\"type\").Value)%> > <%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item(\"biaoti\").Value)%> </td>
                      <tr align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\">
                        <td height=\"29\" colspan=\"2\">选择图片:
                          <input name=\"pic\" type=\"file\" id=\"pic\">
                          <input name=\"width\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"width\">
                          <input name=\"height\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"height\"></td>
                      <tr bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\">
                        <td width=\"61\"></td>
                        <td width=\"545\" height=\"30\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit2\" value=\"确认上传\"></td>
                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MM_update\" value=\"form1\">
                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MM_recordId\" value=\"<%= Recordset1.Fields.Item(\"ID\").Value %>\">
<table width=\"778\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
    <td><img src=\"images/01.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"2\"></td>
<table width=\"778\" height=\"72\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"kuang\">
    <td height=\"34\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#F7F5F4\">www.netwei.com.cn 设计制作</td>
    <td height=\"36\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"></td>
Set Recordset1 = Nothing

作者: sunway888    时间: 2008-11-19 11:10
作者: icefoxit    时间: 2008-11-19 15:54
Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 '800a000d'

类型不匹配: 'UploadFormRequest'

\admin_xiangce_uppic.asp, line 129
作者: 290545548    时间: 2008-11-20 14:06
作者: icefoxit    时间: 2008-12-1 11:11

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